Handbags are ladies’ best friends. We do not feel comfortable watching others go through our handbags because of the many secrets they help us contain. Sometimes, we leave embarrassing stuffs behind and believe we are safe with them because of our handbags. However, a wrong handbag may not flatter our figures or complete that beautiful outfit we have spent money to purchase.
How do we choose the perfect handbag?
The Length
The part of the body where the bag bottom sits is known to be accentuated. What this means is that when the bag sits on our hips, our shape will look more feminine for those with small hips. For those with large hips, getting a bag that sits at our waist line will accentuate the tapering of our waists and make us look slimmer. We should always look for handbags that sit at our waist level to help flatter our shapes.
The Size
If you are a tall lady, do not go for the small bags and if you are on the short side, avoid oversized or large bags.
The Shape
Make use of a handbag that compliments the body shape. Those who are slim and tall, can go for handbags which are slouchy and rounded and those who are curvy and short, should go for handbags with strong angles.
The Style
A formal handbag will not go with casual clothes. The style you are going out with should compliment your handbag.
The Usage
The usage of the handbag is very important. An idea of what you want to use a handbag will help you get the right bag.